Morning Sermons

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2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015

DateSermon TitleScriptureSpeakerAudio
09/29/24A Call to PersevereDan 12:5-13Rev. Dylan Rowland
09/22/24Gospel Hope for the EndDan 12:1-4Rev. Dylan Rowland
09/15/24The God of HistoryDan 11Rev. Dylan Rowland
09/08/24Always Abounding1 Cor 15:50-58Rev. John Shaw
09/01/24Only Two WaysPsalm 1Mike Diercks
08/25/24My Chosen Portion and My CupPsalm 16Rev. Brad Peppo
08/18/24The Ascension of Our LordActs 1:1-11Rev. Dylan Rowland
08/11/24We Are Your Bone and Your Flesh!2 Sam 5:1-12Rev. Dylan Rowland
08/04/24A Deeper ConflictDan 10-11:1Rev. Dylan Rowland
07/28/24Prayer, Repentance, and Gospel Hope - Pt 2
Dan 9Rev. Dylan Rowland
07/21/24Prayer, Repentance, and Gospel Hope - Pt 1
Dan 9Rev. Dylan Rowland
07/14/24The Blasphemous Little HornDan 8Rev. Dylan Rowland
07/07/24Our Help Comes from the LORDPs 121Rev. Dylan Rowland
06/30/24Daniel's Night Visions - Pt 3Dan 7:15-28Rev. Dylan Rowland
06/23/24They Need Christ!Mark 5:21-24, 35-43Rev. Dylan Rowland
06/16/24Daniel's Night Visions - Pt 2Dan 7:13-14Rev. Dylan Rowland
06/09/24Daniel's Night Visions - Pt 1Dan 7:1-12Rev. Dylan Rowland
06/02/24My God Shut the Lions' MouthsDan 6:18-28Rev. Dylan Rowland
05/26/24The King of GloryPsalm 24Rev. Joey Boehler
05/19/24Confidence in CondemnationDan 6:1-13Rev. James Hackworth
05/12/24The Writing on the Wall - Pt 2Dan 5Rev. Dylan Rowland
05/05/24The Writing on the Wall - Pt 1Dan 5Rev. Dylan Rowland
04/28/24The Great King's HumiliationDan 4:28-37Rev. Dylan Rowland
04/21/24For I Know That My Redeemer LivesJob 19:23-29Rev. Joey Boehler
04/14/24Nebuchadnezzar's Second DreamDan 4:1-27Rev. Dylan Rowland
04/07/24The Heavens Declare the Glory of GodGen 1:14-19;Ps 19:1-6Rev. Dylan Rowland
03/31/24Your Sorrow Will Be Turned Into JoyJohn 16:20-22Rev. Dylan Rowland
03/24/24Deliverance from an Enraged TyrantDan 3:19-30Rev. Dylan Rowland
03/17/24Fiery Furnaces and FaithDan 3:1-18Rev. James Hackworth
03/03/24The Kingdom's Incomparable WorthMatt 13:44-46Rev. Dylan Rowland
02/25/24Truly, God is a Revealer of SecretsDan 2:46-49Rev. Dylan Rowland
02/11/24The Revealer of Deep and Secret ThingsDan 2:1-23Rev. Dylan Rowland
02/04/24The Humble Workings of GodDan 1:17-21Rev. Dylan Rowland
01/28/24An Enduring FaithDan 1:8-17Rev. Dylan Rowland
01/21/24The Quiet Providence of the LORDDan 1:1-19Rev. Dylan Rowland
01/14/24Holy Children1 Cor 7:14Rev. James Hackworth
01/07/24The LORD Reigns: An Introduction to DanielDan 1Rev. Dylan Rowland

DateSermon TitleScriptureSpeakerAudio
12/31/23What is the Gospel?Luke 18:18-30Rev. Joey Boehler
12/24/23Training and Admonishing Our Covenant ChildrenEph 6:4Rev. Dylan Rowland
12/17/23Knowing Our Blessed ConditionEph 1:15-23Rev. James Hackworth
12/10/23The Impeccability of ChristHeb 4:15Rev. Dylan Rowland
12/03/23O Righteous FatherJohn 17:25-26Rev. Dylan Rowland
11/26/23That They May Be with MeJohn 17:24Rev. Dylan Rowland
11/19/23Christ is the GospelEph 1:3Rev. James Hackworth
11/12/23I in Them and You in MeJohn 17:22-23Rev. Dylan Rowland
11/05/23The Lord's Prayer for His ChurchJohn 17:20-21Rev. Dylan Rowland
10/29/23For Their Sake I Sanctify MyselfJohn 17:18-19Rev. Dylan Rowland
10/15/23Sanctify Them!John 17:14-17Rev. Dylan Rowland
10/08/23That They May Have My JoyJohn 17:13Rev. Dylan Rowland
10/01/23None Is LostJohn 17:12Rev. Dylan Rowland
09/24/23Father, Keep Them!John 17:9-11Rev. Dylan Rowland
09/17/23I Pray for ThemJohn 17:6-9Rev. Dylan Rowland
09/10/23The Covenant of Long-SufferingGen 8:20-22Rev. James Hackworth
09/03/23A Glory from Before the World WasJohn 17:4-5Rev. Dylan Rowland
08/27/23The Father Glorified in the SonJohn 17:1-3Rev. Dylan Rowland
08/20/23He Lifted His Eyes Up to HeavenJohn 17:1aRev. Dylan Rowland
08/13/23Blessed Are Those Who Are PersecutedMatt 5:10-12Rev. Dylan Rowland
08/06/23Blessed Are The PeacemakersMatt 5:9Rev. Dylan Rowland
07/30/23Blessed Are The Pure in HeartMatt 5:8Rev. Dylan Rowland
07/23/23Blessed Are The MercifulMatt 5:7Rev. Dylan Rowland
07/16/23Blessed Are Those Who Hunger and ThirstMatt 5:6Rev. Dylan Rowland
07/09/23Grace GivenRom 12:1-8Rev. Larry Oldaker
07/02/23Blessed Are The MeekMatt 5:5Rev. Dylan Rowland
06/25/23Blessed Are Those Who MournMatt 5:4Rev. Dylan Rowland
06/18/23A Mark of DiscipleshipMatt 28:18-20Rev. Dylan Rowland
06/11/23Blessed are the Poor in SpiritMatt 5:3Rev. Dylan Rowland
06/04/23Witness RequirementsLuke 24:36-53Rev. Larry Oldaker
05/28/23An Introduction to the BeatitudesMatt 5:1-12Rev. Dylan Rowland
05/21/23Suffering for a Time1 Pet 5:5-11Matthew Bear
05/14/23Peter, Pilgrims, Persecution, and Promises1 Pet 1:1-9Rev. Mike McCabe
05/07/23Commit Your Way to the LORDPsalm 37:5-6Rev. Dylan Rowland
04/30/23Trust, Dwell, and FeedPsalm 37:3Rev. Dylan Rowland
04/23/23Delight Yourself in the LORDPsalm 37:4Rev. Dylan Rowland
04/16/23Drinking From the Abundance of the LORD’s HousePsalm 36Rev. Dylan Rowland
04/09/23Raised to a New LifeRom 6:11Rev. Dylan Rowland
04/02/23The Commitment of ChristLuke 23:44-56Rev. Larry Oldaker
03/26/23Covenant Living for the Glory of the LORD - Pt 3Exodus 20:8-11, Is 58:13-14Rev. Dylan Rowland
03/19/23Covenant Living for the Glory of the LORD - Pt 2Exodus 20:1-11Rev. Dylan Rowland
03/12/23El Shaddai and His CovenantGen 17:1-8, 15-22Rev. Jeremy Logan
03/05/23Covenant Living for the Glory of the LORD - Pt 1Exodus 20:1-11Rev. Dylan Rowland
02/26/23Imitating Christ's HumilityPhil 2:1-11Mike Diercks
02/19/23The New Heavens and New EarthRev. Dylan Rowland
02/12/23The Loveliness of the Gospel Displayed in BaptismRev. Dylan Rowland
02/05/23The Trinity in MissionsJohn 1:1-18Rev. Mike McCabe
01/29/23The Household of GodEph 2:11-22 / 1 Pet 2:4-12Rev. Dylan Rowland
01/22/23Let Us Draw NearHebrews 10:19-25Rev. Dylan Rowland
01/15/23Come, Let Us Go Up!Isaiah 2:1-5Rev. Dylan Rowland
01/08/23Solomon’s Benediction and the Mission of God1 Kings 8:54-61Rev. Dylan Rowland
01/01/23Happy Are the LORD’s PeoplePsalm 144Rev. Dylan Rowland

DateSermon TitleScriptureSpeakerAudio
12/18/22Living as Jesus' FamilyJohn 19:25-27Rev. James Stafford
12/11/22Who Shall Ascend the Mountain of God?Exodus 19Rev. Dylan Rowland
12/04/22Father Abraham: A Blessing to the NationsGenesis 12:1-3; 15:1-6; 17:1-7
Rev. Dylan Rowland
11/27/22Man's Sin and Misery: Paradise LostGenesis 3:22-24Rev. Dylan Rowland
11/20/22The Righteousness of GodRomans 3:21-26Mr. Kelle Craft
11/13/22Expanding Eden to the Ends of the EarthGenesis 1:26-28Rev. Dylan Rowland
11/06/22Eden: Dwelling in the Presence of GodGenesis 2:7-8Rev. Dylan Rowland
10/23/22How Shall I Know? - Pt 2Genesis 15:7-21Rev. Jeremy Logan
10/16/22Revealing the Depth of HumiliationMark 14:12-21Rev. Dylan Rowland
10/09/22The Approaching Passion - Pt 2Mark 14:3-9Rev. Dylan Rowland
10/02/22The Approaching Passion - Pt 1Mark 14:1-2, 9-10Rev. Dylan Rowland
09/25/22The Persevering Church1 Peter 2:9-10Rev. Dylan Rowland
09/18/22The Olivet Discourse - Pt 6Mark 13:32-37Rev. Dylan Rowland
09/11/22The Olivet Discourse - Pt 5Mark 13:24-31Rev. Dylan Rowland
09/04/22The Olivet Discourse - Pt 4Mark 13:14-23Rev. Dylan Rowland
08/28/22The Olivet Discourse - Pt 3Mark 13:5-13Rev. Dylan Rowland
08/21/22The Olivet Discourse - Pt 2Mark 13:1-4Rev. Dylan Rowland
08/14/22The Olivet Discourse - Pt 1Mark 13Rev. Dylan Rowland
08/07/22How Shall I Know? - Pt 1Gen 15:1-21Rev. Jeremy Logan
07/31/22Holy OtherIsaiah 6:1-11Mr. Mike Diercks
07/24/22Sabbath-keeping and the Blessings of God - Pt1Isaiah 58:13-14Rev. Dylan Rowland
07/17/22Sacrificial Christian LivingRomans 12Dr. Marc Clauson
07/10/22Life in the Kingdom: A Tale of Two HeartsMark 12:38-44Rev. Dylan Rowland
07/03/22David's Son and LordMark 12:35-37Rev. Dylan Rowland
06/26/22A Calm and Quiet SoulPsalm 131Rev. Dylan Rowland
06/19/22Fatherhood: Cultivating a Spiritual LegacyGen 18:19Rev. Dylan Rowland
06/12/22More than All the Offerings and SacrificesMark 12:28-34Rev. Dylan Rowland
06/05/22You Shall Love Your Neighbor as YourselfMark 12:28-34Rev. Dylan Rowland
05/29/22You Shall Love the LORD Your GodMark 12:28-34Rev. Dylan Rowland
05/22/22The Sign of God's CovenantGen 17:1-27Rev. Jeremy Logan
05/15/22The Sadducees and the ResurrectionMark 12:18-27Rev. Dylan Rowland
05/08/22Motherhood: Cultivating a Spiritual Legacy2 Tim 1:5Rev. Dylan Rowland
05/01/22Killing SinRom 8:1-17Rev. Dylan Rowland
04/24/22Shall We Pay or NotMark 12:13-17Rev. Dylan Rowland
04/17/22Christ, the Firstfruits1 Cor 15:20-23Rev. Dylan Rowland
04/10/22The Parable of the Vineyard OwnerMark 12:1-12Rev. Dylan Rowland
04/03/22By What AuthorityRev. Dylan Rowland
03/27/22The New Replaces the OldMark 11:22-26Rev. Dylan Rowland
03/20/22The Cursed Figtree and the Barren TempleMark 11:11-21Rev. Dylan Rowland
03/13/22Failure vs FaithfulnessRev. Jeremy Logan
03/06/22The Humble King's ArrivalMark 11:1-10Rev. Dylan Rowland
02/27/22Jesus and the Blind BeggarMark 10:46-52Rev. Dylan Rowland
02/20/22Who is the Greatest in the Kingdom of GodRev. Dylan Rowland
02/13/22A Misguided RequestMark 10:35-40Rev. Dylan Rowland
01/30/22The Son Who IsHeb 1:1-4Rev. Kelle Craft
01/23/22Great Loss and Great RewardMark 10:28-31Rev. Dylan Rowland
01/16/22The Danger of Trusting in RichesMark 10:23-27Rev. Dylan Rowland
01/09/22The Rich Young RulerMark 10:17-22Rev. Dylan Rowland
01/02/22Receiving the Kingdom as a ChildMark 10:13-16Rev. Dylan Rowland

DateSermon TitleScriptureSpeakerAudio
12/26/21What Will You ChooseVariousRev. Dylan Rowland
12/19/21Imitating Christ's HumilityPhil 2:1-11Mike Diercks
12/12/21Jesus' Intercessory Prayer - Pt 3John 17Rev. Dylan Rowland
12/5/21Jesus' Intercessory Prayer - Pt 2John 17Rev. Dylan Rowland
11/28/21Jesus' Intercessory Prayer - Pt 1John 17:1-5Rev. Dylan Rowland
11/21/21The Paradisiacal Understanding of Marriage and DivorceMark 10;1-12Rev. Dylan Rowland
11/14/21Who is the Greatest in the Kingdom of God - Pt 3Mark 9;42-50Rev. Dylan Rowland
11/7/21Who is the Greatest in the Kingdom of God - Pt 2Mark 9;38-42Rev. Dylan Rowland
10/31/21On being born in ZionPsalm 87Rev. Dylan Rowland
10/24/21Who is the Greatest in the Kingdom of GodMark 9:33-37Rev. Dylan Rowland
10/17/21Forward to the new BeginningMatthew 27:45-28:20Rev. Jeremy Logan
10/10/21Prayer as a means of GraceRev. Dylan Rowland
10/3/21Jesus' Second Passion PredictionRev. Dylan Rowland
9/26/21Missing OutJohn 20:19-31Mike Diercks
9/19/21The Blessing of Abraham comes through Faith, not through the LawGal 3:10-14Josh Smith
9/12/21The Importance of Faith and PrayerMark 9:14-29Rev. Dylan Rowland
8/29/21The Transfiguration - Part 2Mark 9:1-13Rev. Dylan Rowland
8/22/21The Transfiguration - Part 1Mark 9:1-6Rev. Dylan Rowland
8/15/21He has made us a KingdomRev. Brad Peppo
8/8/21Implications of the Gospel MinistryRev. Leo Frailey
8/1/21Declare His Glory among the NationsRev. Dylan Rowland
7/25/21The Kingdoms Incomparable WorthRev. Dylan Rowland
7/18/21The Cost of DiscipleshipRev. Dylan Rowland
7/11/21Let the Children ComeRev. Dylan Rowland
7/4/21An Abomination to the LordRev. Dylan Rowland
6/27/21Knowing Jesus, Recognizing the FatherJohn 14:7-14Josh Smith
6/20/21The Worthless PersonProverbs 6:12-15Rev. Dylan Rowland
6/13/21The Theology of MissionsActs1:1-11Rev. Dylan Rowland
6/6/21The Foolishness of LazinessRev. Dylan Rowland
5/30/21An Unwise PledgeRev. Dylan Rowland
3/28/21Of the Church, Christ the HeadRev. Dylan Rowland
3/21/21God's Grace displayed in BaptismRev. Dylan Rowland
3/14/21Back to the BeginningRev. Jeremy Logan
3/7/21A Father's Gracious WarningProverbs 5:21-23Rev. Dylan Rowland
2/28/21The Wisdom of MarriageProverbs 5Rev. Dylan Rowland
2/21/21The Foolishness of AdulteryProverbs 5:7-20Rev. Dylan Rowland
2/14/21The Peril of the Immoral WomanProverbs 5:1-6Rev. Dylan Rowland
2/7/21The Lord's SupperRev. Dylan Rowland
1/31/21Sanctified by WisdomProverbs 4:20-27Rev. Dylan Rowland
1/24/21Walk in the Way of WisdomProverbs 4:10-19Rev. Dylan Rowland
1/17/21How Blest the ManProverbs 4:1-9Rev. Dylan Rowland
1/10/21The End is Coming1 Pet 4:7-11Mike Diercks
1/03/21The Servant KingMike Diercks

DateSermon TitleScriptureSpeakerAudio
12/27/20God's Grace and Christian RighteousnessRev. Dylan Rowland
12/20/20The Theology of Christmas - The Name JesusRev. Dylan Rowland
12/13/20The Theology of Christmas - The God-ManRev. Dylan Rowland
12/6/20The Theology of Christmas - The IncarnationRev. Dylan Rowland
11/29/20The Theology of Christmas - The Covenant of GraceRev. Dylan Rowland
11/22/20Jairus by NameRev. Leo Frailey
11/15/20The Unclean and Destitute WomenRev. Dylan Rowland
11/8/20Jesus and the Demoniac Pt 2Mark 5:14-20Rev. Dylan Rowland
11/1/20The Lord's Supper - The Sanctified ElementsRev. Dylan Rowland
10/25/20Jesus and the demoniacRev. Dylan Rowland
10/18/20God's Big HouseRev. Jeremy Logan
10/11/20Who can this beRev. Dylan Rowland
10/4/20The Lord's Supper - A Commemmoration of Christ's OfferingHeb 10:11-14Rev. Dylan Rowland
9/27/20A Primer on BaptismRev. Dylan Rowland
9/20/20The Parable of the Mustard SeedMark 4:30-34Rev. Dylan Rowland
9/13/20The Parable of the Growing SeedMark 4:26-29Rev. Dylan Rowland
9/6/20The Lord's SupperRev. Dylan Rowland
8/30/20A Sermon about Church MembershipRev. Dylan Rowland
8/23/20Does God care how we worshipKellee Craft
8/16/20The Parable of the Lamp and SowerRev. Dylan Rowland
8/9/20The Parable of the soils Pt3Rev. Dylan Rowland
8/2/20The Parable of the soils Pt2Rev. Dylan Rowland
7/26/20The Majesty of the LordKellee Craft
7/19/20The Feast of TabernaclesRev. Dylan Rowland
7/12/20The Parable of the Soils - Pt. 1Mark 4:1-20Rev. Dylan Rowland
7/5/20Who are my mother and brothersMark 3:31-35Rev. Dylan Rowland
6/28/20Plundering the Strong ManMark 3:22-30Rev. Dylan Rowland
6/21/20God's Blessing upon His PeoplePsalm 1Rev. Leo Frailey
6/14/20Discipleship and Opposition Pt. 1Mark 3:20-21Rev. Dylan Rowland
6/7/20The Appointment of the TwelveMark 3:13-19Rev. Dylan Rowland
5/31/20You are the Son of GodMark 3:7-12Rev. Dylan Rowland
5/24/20Is it Lawful to do Good on the SabbathMark 3:1-6Rev. Dylan Rowland
5/17/20The Lord of the SabbathMark 2:23-28Rev. Dylan Rowland
5/10/20Delighting in the BridegroomMark 2:18-22Rev. Dylan Rowland
2/23/20Of Religious Worship and the Sabbath - Pt. 3Rev. Dylan Rowland
2/16/20Of Religious Worship and the Sabbath - Pt. 2Rev. Dylan Rowland
2/9/20Of Religious Worship and the SabbathActs 17:16-34Rev. Dylan Rowland
2/2/20Jesus and the LeperMark 1: 40-45Rev. Dylan Rowland
1/26/20Jesus' Preacher of the GospelMark 1: 32-39Rev. Dylan Rowland
1/19/20The Authority of Jesus - Part 2Mark 1: 29-31Rev. Dylan Rowland
1/12/20The Authority of JesusMark 1: 21-28Rev. Dylan Rowland
1/05/20Fishers of MenMark 1: 16-20Rev. Dylan Rowland

DateSermon TitleScriptureSpeakerAudio
12/29/19My Kingdom is at handRev. Dylan Rowland
12/22/19A Supernatural ConflictRev. Dylan Rowland
12/15/19The Gift of God's DeliverancePsalm 68:17-20Rev. Leo Frailey
12/8/19Jesus the Mightier OneMark 1:9-11Rev. Dylan Rowland
12/1/19One Mightier than IMark 1:6-8Rev. Dylan Rowland
11/24/19The Promise for you and your childrenActs 2:37-41Rev. Leo Frailey
11/17/19Ministry of John the BaptistMark 1:4-5Rev. Dylan Rowland
11/10/19The Lord's Messenger and the New ExodusMark 1:1-4Rev. Dylan Rowland
11/3/19Jesus Christ, the Son of GodMark 1:1Rev. Dylan Rowland
10/27/19When World-Views CollideDr. James Anderson
10/20/19The Height of Human HebrisRev. Jeremy Logan
10/13/19Jude's DoxologyJude 24-25Rev. Dylan Rowland
10/6/19Judes Exhortation to the FaithfulJude 17-23Rev. Dylan Rowland
9/29/19Exposing the false teachers Pt. 3Jude 12-16Rev. Dylan Rowland
9/22/19Exposing the false teachers Pt. 2JudeRev. Dylan Rowland
9/15/19Preaching the Gospel - Evangelism is TrinitarianCody Goff
9/8/19Exposing the false teachers Pt. 1JudeRev. Dylan Rowland
9/1/19Assurance of JudgementJudeRev. Dylan Rowland
8/25/19Jude's Unintended LetterJude 3-4Rev. Dylan Rowland
8/18/19Holy ConversationMalachi 3:16-18Mike Diercks
8/11/19Jude, A Servant of Jesus ChristJude 1-2Rev. Dylan Rowland
8/4/19The Lord's lesson for Jonah - Part 2Jonah 4:5-11Rev. Dylan Rowland
7/28/19The Lord's lesson for JonahJonah 4:5-11Rev. Dylan Rowland
7/21/19Jonah's Unjustified AngerJonah 4:1-4Rev. Dylan Rowland
7/14/19Ninevahs lesson in RepentanceJonah 3:6-10Rev. Dylan Rowland
7/07/19The Word of the LORD in NinevahJonah 3:1-5Rev. Dylan Rowland
6/30/19Salvation Is Of the LordJonah 1:17-2:10Rev. Dylan Rowland
6/23/19Christ's sure comingKelle Craft
6/16/19Salvation Is of the Lord Pt. 1Jonah 1:17-2:6Rev. Dylan Rowland
6/09/19The LORD does as He pleasesJonah 1:10-16Rev. Dylan Rowland
6/02/19Fear the LORD, the God of HeavenJonah 1:7-10aRev. Dylan Rowland
5/26/19The LORDS Presence at SeaJonah 1:4-6Rev. Dylan Rowland
5/19/19The LORD's Call to JonahJonah 1:1-3Rev. Dylan Rowland
5/12/19The Glory of Redemption: The Final Resurrection1 Thessalonians 4:13-18Rev. Dylan Rowland
5/05/19The Glory of Redemption: The Intermediate State2 Corinthians 4:16-5:8Rev. Dylan Rowland
4/28/19The Glory of Redemption: Accompanying BenefitsRomans 5:1-11Rev. Dylan Rowland
4/21/19The Glory of Redemption: SanctificationEphesians 4:17-32Rev. Dylan Rowland
4/14/19The Glory of Redemption: AdoptionRomans 8:14-17Rev. Dylan Rowland
4/07/19The Song of MosesExodus 15Kelle Craft
3/31/19The Glory of Redemption: Justification by FaithRomans 3:19-26Rev. Dylan Rowland
3/24/19The Glory of Redemption: Effectual CallingRomans 8:28-30Rev. Dylan Rowland
3/17/19John’s Culminating Counsel1 John 3:19-24Rev. Dylan Rowland
3/10/19This Illness is for the Glory of GodJohn 11:1-16Kelle Craft
3/03/19Confidence in Prayer1 John 5:14-17Rev. Dylan RowlandAudio Unavailable
2/24/19The Certainty of God's Witness Pt.21 John 5:10-13Rev. Dylan Rowland
2/17/19The Certainty of God's Witness1 John 5:6-9Rev. Dylan Rowland
2/10/19Faith, Love, and Obedience1 John 5:1-5Rev. Dylan Rowland
2/03/19The Spirit of Confession and Love1 John 4:12-21Rev. Dylan Rowland
1/20/19Service Cancelled Due to Weather
1/13/19The Spirit of Truth1 John 4:1-6Rev. Dylan Rowland
1/06/191 John 3:19-24Rev. Dylan Rowland

DateSermon TitleScriptureSpeakerAudio
12/23/18Loving the Brethren1 John 3:11-18Rev. Dylan Rowland
12/16/18Children of God Pt.21 John 3:4-10Rev. Dylan Rowland
12/09/18Children of God Pt.11 John 2:28-3:3Rev. Dylan Rowland
12/02/181 John 2:18-27Rev. Dylan Rowland
11/25/18Walking in the Light Pt.41 John 2:15-17Rev. Dylan Rowland
11/18/18Walking in the Light Pt.31 John 2:7-14Rev. Dylan Rowland
11/11/18Walking in the Light Pt.21 John 2:3-6Rev. Dylan Rowland
11/04/18Walking in the Light Pt.11 John 1:5-2:2Rev. Dylan Rowland
10/28/18Living on the Foundation of Christ & His Gospel1 John 1:1-4Rev. Dylan Rowland
10/21/18The Second First FamilyGenesis 9:18-29Rev. Jeremy Logan
10/14/18A Tale of Two Hearts: Babylon's Judgment & Christian HolinessRevelation 18Rev. Dylan Rowland
10/07/18Ruth 4:13-22Rev. Dylan Rowland
9/30/18The Graciousness of the Kinsman RedeemerRuth 4:1-12Rev. Dylan Rowland
9/23/18Under the Wings of the Redeemer Pt. 3Ruth 3Rev. Dylan Rowland
9/16/18Covenant Baptism & the Promise of GodActs 2:22-41Rev. Dylan Rowland
9/09/18Under the Wings of the Redeemer Pt. 2Ruth 2:14-23Rev. Dylan Rowland
9/02/18Under the Wings of the Redeemer Pt. 1Ruth 2:1-13Rev. Dylan Rowland
8/26/18Finding Hope in the Providence of GodRuth 1:6-22Rev. Dylan Rowland
8/19/18God's ProvidenceRuth 1:1-5Rev. Dylan Rowland
8/12/18Fellowship with the FallenLuke 7:36-50Rev. Leo Frailey
8/05/18The Resurrection and the Life Pt. 3John 11:28-46Rev. Dylan Rowland
7/29/18The Resurrection and the Life Pt. 2John 11:17-28Rev. Dylan Rowland
7/22/18The Resurrection and the Life Pt. 1John 11:1-16Rev. Dylan Rowland
7/15/18Reaping What We SowGalatians 6:1-18Rev. Dylan Rowland
7/08/18God's Law, Christian Freedom, and the Holy SpiritGalatians 5:13-26Rev. Dylan Rowland
7/01/18Set Free in ChristGalatians 5:1-12Rev. Dylan Rowland
6/24/18The Apostle's Plea Pt 2Galatians 4:21-5:1Rev. Dylan Rowland
6/17/18A New FoundationGenesis 8:13-22Rev. Jeremy Logan
6/10/18The Apostle's Plea Pt 1Galatians 4:8-20Rev. Dylan Rowland
6/03/18Heirs of GodGalatians 4:1-7Rev. Dylan Rowland
5/20/18The Blessing of Abraham Pt.3Galatians 3:15-24Rev. Dylan Rowland
5/13/18The Blessing of Abraham Pt.2Galatians 3:10-14Rev. Dylan Rowland
5/06/18The Blessing of Abraham Pt.1Galatians 3:1-9Rev. Dylan Rowland
4/29/18Alive by Faith in the Son of GodGalatians 2:15-21Rev. Dylan Rowland
4/22/18Justification by FaithGalatians 2:1-16Rev. Dylan Rowland
4/15/18Galatians 1:6-24Rev. Dylan Rowland
4/08/18Introduction to GalatiansGalatians 1:1-5Rev. Dylan Rowland
4/01/18Behold, This Is Our GodIsaiah 25Rev. Dylan Rowland
3/25/18Looking Forward1 Corinthians 15Rev. Marc Clauson
3/18/18Union with ChristRomans 6:1-14Rev. Dylan Rowland
3/11/18The Lord Is My ShepherdPsalm 23:1-4Rev. Leo Frailey
3/04/18Light vs. DarknessEphesians 5:3-14Rev. Leo Frailey
2/25/18PlanningJames 4:13-17Rev. Marc ClausonAudio Not Available
2/18/18The Lifestyle of Truth and GraceEphesians 4:25-5:2Rev. Leo Frailey
2/11/18The Sweet and Awful Providence of GodHabakkuk 3:17-19Rev. Dylan Rowland
2/04/18Marriage as Gospel Proclamation1 Peter 3:1-7Rev. Dylan RowlandAudio Not Available
1/28/18Acts 20Rev. Marc ClausonAudio Not Available
1/21/18Smyrna: Enduring in the Face of DeathRevelation 2:8-11Rev. Dylan Rowland
1/14/18Our New Life in ChristEphesians 4:17-24Rev. Leo Frailey
1/07/18God's Grace and Christian RighteousnessRomans 3:23-25Rev. Dylan Rowland

DateSermon TitleScriptureSpeakerAudio
12/31/17Who Did You Say He is?Isaiah 9:6-7Rev. Jeremy Logan
12/24/17Mary's Song of PraiseLuke 1:46-55Rev. Leo Frailey
12/17/17Who Dost Our Weakness KnowHebrews 2:10-18Rev. Brad Peppo
12/10/17The Necessity and Nature of the IncarnationMatthew 1:18-2:13Rev. Marc Clauson
12/03/17My Chosen Portion and My CupPsalm 16:1-11Rev. Brad Peppo
11/26/17God's Covenant FaithfulnessEzra 1:1-11Rev. Dylan Rowland
11/19/17Rejoice with an Inexpressible Joy1 Peter 1:3-9Rev. Dylan RowlandAudio Unavailable
11/12/17The Fullness of ChristEphesians 4:1-13Rev. Leo Frailey
11/05/17Opposition to the Proud, Grace to the Humble Luke 14:7-11Rev. Brad Peppo
10/22/17The Foolishness of the GospelI Corinthians 1Rev. Dr. Marc Clauson
10/15/17Ready for Every Good WorkTitus 3:1-8Rev. Brad Peppo
10/08/17Living Waters from the HeartJohn 7:37-39Rev. Dylan RowlandAudio Unavailable
10/1/17The Love You Had at FirstRevelation 1:4-2:7Rev. Brad Peppo
9/24/17Luther's Breakthrough to the GospelRomans 1Rev. Dr. Marc Clauson
9/17/17Word of Life ManifestedI John 1:1-4Mr. Stephen Lauer
9/10/17Tell of His SalvationPsalm 71:12-16Rev. Brad PeppoAudio Unavailable
9/03/17Eyes Fixed!Habakkuk 2:4,19-3:19Rev. Matthew Judd
8/27/17Assurance - God's Program and God's PositionHabakkuk 2Rev. Matthew Judd
8/20/17Assurance - God Shall Right All WrongHabakkuk 2Rev. Matthew Judd
8/13/17The Ultimate BlessednessPsalm 32:1-7Rev. Leo Frailey
8/06/17God's AnswerHabakkuk 1:1-2Rev. Matthew Judd
7/30/17A Staggering ResponseHabakkuk 1:1-11Rev. Matthew Judd
7/23/17A Righteous ComplaintHabakkuk 1:1-4Rev. Matthew Judd
7/16/17The Crumbling of a NationHabakkuk 1:1-4Rev. Matthew Judd
7/09/17The Sinfulness of SinRomans 3:9-26Rev. Larry Oldaker
7/02/17A Meal to Nourish Your Hungry Soul1 Corinthians 11:17-34Rev. Matthew Judd
6/25/17Into the NameMatthew 28:16-20Rev. Matthew Judd
6/18/17If Children of the Father, then HeirsRomans 8:1-18Rev. Matthew Judd
6/11/17An Inseparable ConnectionMatthew 18:23-35Rev. Matthew Judd
6/04/17The Last Tool: the Crowbar of LoveMatthew 18:12-20Rev. Matthew Judd
5/28/17The Escalation of LoveMatthew 18:10-22Rev. Matthew Judd
5/21/17Understanding Why You Should CareMatthew 18:10-22Rev. Matthew Judd
5/14/17Am I My Brother's Keeper?Matthew 18:10-20Rev. Matthew Judd
5/07/17Why Should You Care?Matthew 18:1-14Rev. Matthew Judd
4/30/17Your Treatment of Kingdom CitizensMatthew 18:1-9Rev. Matthew Judd
4/23/17Only the HumbleMatthew 18:1-4Rev. Matthew Judd
4/16/17Your Living Hope (part 1)I Peter 1:1-9Rev. Matthew Judd
4/09/17Labor Not in VainPsalm 127:1-5Mr. Brian Guinto
4/02/17The Son Willingly SubjectMatthew 17:22-27Rev. Matthew Judd
3/26/17From the Depths to the Heights Matthew 17:1-27Rev. Matthew Judd
3/19/17From the Depths to the Heights Matthew 16:24-17:13Rev. Matthew Judd
3/12/17A Heavenly ColonyPhilippians 3:1-4:1Rev. Jeremy Logan
3/05/17In the Line-UpMatthew 16:21-27Rev. Matthew Judd
2/26/17The Rock and the Stumbling StoneMatthew 16:13-23Rev. Matthew Judd
2/19/17A Building Project Like No Other (part 2)Matthew 16:13-23Rev. Matthew Judd
2/12/17A Building Project Like No OtherMatthew 16:13-23Rev. Matthew Judd
2/04/17A Mid-Term ExaminationMatthew 16:13-23Rev. Matthew Judd
1/29/17Discernment: A Rare CommodityMatthew 15:32-16:12Rev. Matthew Judd
1/22/17Bread for Others, Too?Matthew 15:15-39Rev. Matthew Judd
1/15/17Not What Goes In...but What Comes OutMatthew 15:1-20Rev. Matthew Judd
1/08/17Hold Such Men in EsteemPhilippians 2:19-30Rev. Larry Oldaker
1/01/17Seeking the Lord Jesus ChristMatthew 2:1-12Rev. Leo Frailey

DateSermon TitleScriptureSpeakerAudio
12/25/16Led to the House of BreadLuke 2:1-20Rev. Matthew Judd
12/18/16Preparing for ChristmasLuke 1:57-80Rev. Matthew Judd
12/11/16Foretold of OldGenesis 49:1-12Rev. Matthew Judd
12/04/16Provisions & PromisesPsalm 23:1-6Rev. Leo Frailey
11/27/16Who Is This?Matthew 14:22-36Rev. Matthew Judd
11/20/16Burdened with Grief; Moved with CompassionMatthew 14:1-21Rev. Matthew Judd
11/13/16THE Prophet RejectedMatthew 13:53-14:13Rev. Matthew Judd
11/06/16A King Who Judges in RighteousnessI Samuel 15:1-11Rev. Matthew Judd
10/30/16Profitable and Productive LearningMatthew 13:47-53Rev. Matthew Judd
10/23/16Gathered In, Sorted OutMatthew 13:47-50Rev. Matthew Judd
10/16/16Counting All Things As LossPhilippians 3:2-11Rev. Bill Kessler
10/09/16Kingdom Value: How Much Is It Worth To You?Matthew 13:44-46Rev. Matthew Judd
10/02/16From the Inside OutMatthew 13:31-33Rev. Matthew Judd
09/25/16Kingdom Expectations: Beginnings and EndingsMatthew 13:31-33Rev. Matthew Judd
09/18/16Kingdom Expectations: In This Age and the NextMatthew 13:24-30, 36-43Rev. Matthew Judd
09/11/16The Word of the KingdomMatthew 13:1-9, 18-23Rev. Matthew Judd
09/04/16A Deliberate Change in Method That You Might..."Matthew 13:1-17, 34-36Rev. Matthew Judd
08/28/16An Interruption Turned To Your ProfitMatthew 12:43-50Rev. Matthew Judd
08/21/16The Razor's Edge (part 2): Encountering JesusMatthew 12:33-45Rev. Matthew Judd
08/14/16The Razor's Edge: Encountering JesusMatthew 12:22-45Rev. Matthew Judd
08/07/16Waiting For The LordPsalm 130Brian Guinto
07/31/16I Will Put My Spirit Upon HimMatthew 12:14-32Rev. Matthew Judd
07/24/16The Sabbath and the Servant of the LordMatthew 11:28-12:21Rev. Matthew Judd
07/17/16Strenuously Following Jesus = True RestMatthew 11:28-12:8Rev. Matthew Judd
07/10/16Come!Matthew 11:25-30Rev. Matthew Judd
07/03/16Listening, Learning, and LongingMatthew 11:20-30Rev. Matthew Judd
06/26/16Who Will Receive the Greater Judgment?Matthew 11:20-24Rev. Matthew Judd
06/19/16The Apostle Paul's JoyI Thessalonians 3:6-13Rev. Leo Frailey
06/12/16A Critical Question that You Must AnswerMatthew 11:1-19Rev. Matthew Judd
06/05/16Taking Your StandMatthew 10:28-39Rev. Matthew Judd
05/29/16Don't Fear? or Fear? Which Is It?Matthew 10:26-31Rev. Matthew Judd
05/22/16The Apostolic Ministry BeginsMatthew 10:32-42Rev. Matthew Judd
05/15/16The Need, the Means, the ProvisionMatthew 9:32-10:4Rev. Matthew Judd
05/08/16Something New, Something Marvelous, Something Never Seen BeforeMatthew 9:14-34Rev. Matthew Judd
05/01/16Who Is In Need of the Doctor?Matthew 9:1-13Rev. Matthew Judd
04/24/16Three More Displays...Jesus Presses it HomeMatthew 8:23-9:9Rev. Matthew Judd
04/17/16Authority Displayed and a Deliberate DepartureMatthew 7:28-8:22Rev. Matthew Judd
04/10/16Why Do You Do ThatColossians 2:11, 12Rev. Matthew Judd
04/03/16Only Two ResponsesMatthew 7:24-29Rev. Matthew Judd
03/27/16Great Fear Mingled with Great JoyMatthew 28:1-10Rev. Matthew Judd
03/20/16Gospel Ministry in the Church1 Thess. 2:1-12Rev. Leo Frailey
03/13/16Two, and Only TwoMatthew 7:13-23Rev. Matthew Judd
03/06/16So Now We Come to ItMatthew 7:7-14Rev. Matthew Judd
02/28/16A Title, Office, Noun, or Verb?Acts 6:1-7Rev. Matthew Judd
02/21/16Confession of SinPsalm 51:1-6Rev. Leo Frailey
02/14/16Seek First But Watch Out for the Ever-Present SnareMatthew 7:1-6Rev. Matthew Judd
02/07/16Why WorryMatthew 6:25-34Rev. Matthew Judd
01/31/16A Singular FocusMatthew 6:19-24Rev. Matthew Judd
01/24/16A New Year and a New Commitment Pt. 4Ezra 7:10Rev. Matthew Judd
01/17/16A New Year and a New Commitment Pt. 3Ezra 7:10Rev. Matthew Judd
01/10/16A New Year and a New Commitment Pt. 2Ezra 7:1-10Rev. Matthew Judd
01/03/16A New Year and a New Commitment2 Timothy 3Rev. Matthew Judd

DateSermon TitleScriptureSpeakerAudio
12/27/15The End of Another YearEcclesiastes 12Rev. Matthew Judd
12/20/15A Familiar StoryLuke 2:1-20Rev. Matthew Judd
12/13/15Guaranteed DeliveryIsaiah 40:1-11Rev. Matthew Judd
12/06/15No Audio Available
11/29/15Conference 2015 - See "Additional Audio"
11/22/15Conference 2015 - See "Additional Audio"
11/15/15Conference 2015 - See "Additional Audio"
11/08/15Did He Really Say ThatMatthew 6:14-15Rev. Matthew Judd
11/01/15Your RewardMatthew 6:1-21Rev. Matthew Judd
10/25/15No Audio Available
10/18/15The King and the Kingdom: Summing It Up So FarMatthew 5Rev. Matthew Judd
10/11/15Real LoveMatthew 5:43-48Rev. Matthew Judd
10/04/15Dying to Self when Self is AttackedMatthew 5:38-42Rev. Matthew Judd
09/27/15The Importance of Your Every WordMatthew 5:33-37Rev. Matthew Judd
09/20/15The Heart of the 7th Commandment, Pt. 2Matthew 5:31-32Rev. Matthew Judd
09/13/15Preparing for the BattleMark 3:7-19Rev. Larry Oldaker
09/06/15The Heart of the 7th Commandment, Pt. 1Matthew 5:27-30Rev. Matthew JuddCurrently Unavailable
08/30/15The Heart of the 6th CommandmentMatthew 5:21-26Rev. Matthew Judd
08/23/15Crystal ClearMatthew 5:17-20Rev. Matthew Judd
08/16/15The Fig Tree and the TempleMark 11:12-25 Jason Kirklin
08/09/15Shining for JesusMatthew 5:14-16Rev. Matthew Judd
08/02/15SaltMatthew 5:1-16Rev. Matthew Judd
07/26/15Counting the CostMatthew 5:10-12Rev. Matthew Judd
07/19/15Brokers in PeaceMatthew 5:3-9Rev. Matthew Judd
07/12/15UnmixedMatthew 5:8Rev. Matthew Judd
07/05/15Captured by MercyMatthew 5:7Rev. Matthew Judd
06/28/15More than Food and DrinkMatthew 5:6Rev. Matthew Judd
06/21/15Meekness Ain't WeaknessMatthew 5:1-5Rev. Matthew Judd
06/14/15Blessed GriefMatthew 5:1-12Rev. Matthew Judd
06/07/15Rev. Matthew JuddCurrently Unavailable
05/31/15Blessed PovertyMatthew 5:1-12Rev. Matthew Judd
05/24/15The Search for HappinessMatthew 4:23-5:12Rev. Matthew Judd
05/17/15Context is Key - The Sermon on the Mount and the KingdomMatthew 4:17-5:3, 10Rev. Matthew Judd
05/10/15The King, the Kingdom, and Those Who Shall Enter ItMatthew 5:1-20; 7:21-29Rev. Matthew Judd
05/03/15Those in Darkness - Behold a Great Light!Matthew 4:12-22Rev. Matthew Judd
04/26/15Where the First Adam Utterly Failed...Matthew 3:13-4:11Rev. Matthew Judd
04/19/15Not You - It Should Be Me!Matthew 3:1-17Rev. Matthew Judd
04/12/15Preparing the WayMatthew 3:1-12Rev. Matthew Judd
04/05/15Seeing and BelievingJohn 20:1-31Rev. Matthew Judd
03/29/15Protected, Preserved, and PreparedMatthew 2:13-23Rev. Matthew Judd
03/22/15Startled by the Wise MenMatthew 2:1-12Rev. Matthew Judd
03/15/15The King and His KingdomPsalm 45:1-7
Rev. Leo Frailey
03/08/15Bold and Confident WorshipPsalm 100:4-5Rev. Matthew Judd
03/01/15Equipped To Come Before His PresencePsalm 100:1-3Rev. Matthew Judd
02/22/15OverwhelmingHebrews 10:19-21Rev. Matthew Judd
02/15/15The Greatest News Proclaimed2 Corinthians 5:17-21Jeremy Logan
02/08/15For the Equipping of the SaintsEphesians 4:11-12Rev. Matthew JuddCurrently Unavailable
02/01/15Christ's Mercy Extended through Whom?Romans 12:8Rev. Matthew Judd
01/25/15Christ's Hands Extended through GivingRomans 12:8Rev. Matthew Judd
01/18/15Christ's Hands Extended in the ChurchRomans 12:6-8Rev. Matthew Judd
01/11/15Baptized Into God's NameMatthew 28:19-20Rev. Matthew Judd
01/04/15The Past, the Present, and Future1 Corinthians 6:9-11Rev. Matthew Judd