What Are WE Here For?
These questions might seem rather straightforward and even simple. But how one answers these questions reveals a lot. After all, who is even able to answer these questions for us?
Only the One who has established the Church,
who owns the Church,
and has the right to command the Church
can adequately define why we exist as His Church.
And this One is…God Himself – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!
Only He can tell us what in the world we are here for – and He has told us in His Word, the Bible.
He has told us…
We exist as Christ’s Church
to summon, teach, and equip
men, women and children
to glorify God
and serve our fellow man.
But how in the world do we accomplish this?
Well, God has told us this too.
We accomplish this by…
1. Proclaiming the truth of the good news in Jesus Christ.
2. Growing God’s people in the knowledge of the truth.
3. Growing God’s people in the practice of the truth.
…all in absolute dependence upon Jesus Christ.
For Jesus said, “…without Me you can do nothing” (John 15.5).